Wednesday, May 6, 2020

Protecting Children from Television Violence Essays

Summary #1 Television violence, and media violence in general, has been a controversial topic for several years. The argument is whether young children are brainwashed into committing violent real-world crimes because of violent and pugnacious behavior exposed in mass media. In his article â€Å"No Real Evidence for TV Violence Causing Real Violence†, Jonathan Freedman, a professor of psychology at the University of Toronto and author of â€Å"Media Violence and Its Effect on Aggression: Assessing the Scientific Evidence†, discusses how television violence, claimed by the Federal Communications Commission (FCC), does not cause real-world aggression among adolescents. The FCC determined to restrict violent television programming to late night hours†¦show more content†¦Freedman argues that this concept, from the FCC, strictly bases their claim on intuition, not scientific research. Freedman writes, â€Å"Ultimately, it is the findings that matter—not what people t hink about them or tell you about them† (Par. 8). There is not enough evidence to understand and know the effects of media coverage of real violence, and how fictional violence affects real-world scenarios. Evaluation #1 Television violence is not necessarily the problem with real-world violence in today’s society, nor is â€Å"violent† video games, or explicit rap music. United States violence increased between the 1960’s to 1980’s, but has dropped dramatically, especially violent crimes committed by young men, since 1992 (Freedman Par. 10-11). Although media violence is increasing, world violence is decreasing; there has to be a reputable and scientific explanation on why these children are committing violent real-world crimes. There have been less than one-hundred experiments completed on this topic of choice, and possible evidence that observer bias may affect these experiments. The FCC purposely schedule â€Å"violent† or â€Å"provocative† televisions shows during evening hours of the night for a reason. Parents of young children, from ages seven through fourteen, should not allow their children to watch these so-called â€Å"violent† television shows or play these â€Å"violent† video games. Certain television programs have warning labels clearly stating that, some material is not suitable forShow MoreRelated Violence On Television Essay1023 Words   |  5 Pagesissue of television violence and its influence on children’s behavior troubles me. Television violence seems to be becoming abundant and violence seems to be increasing. This may be a dangerous form of entertainment, especially when young children become involved. The majority of television programs viewed by children contain large amounts of violence and inappropriate material. Children’s vulnerability poses as the main problem due to desensitization. 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